
Game like fallout shelter for pc
Game like fallout shelter for pc

game like fallout shelter for pc

Dead dwellers can be revived if you have enough money. Pregnant dwellers and children will run away. If they are armed they will fight them off. Creatures and other enemies randomly enter the vault and will attack your people. The game uses real-world time to get to missions, although you can accelerate this with purchasable cola bottles or take a risk on a negative outcome by "rushing" the room.Ĭombat is automatic. They are often multi-part and follow a simple storyline. Missions provide your vault with weaponry, outfits, pets (which improve statistics of their owner), junk to build weapons and outfits in the vault, and currency when they return. You need money that is gained by levelling up your dwellers, exploring the Wasteland, going on missions, completing achievements, as well as finding the mysterious stranger that randomly appears and disappears in your vault. You can name your inhabitants and even encourage relationships that provide babies that grow up quickly to be useful workers. You can select individuals to move around the vault, assign them jobs, train them up, or send them on missions. Gameplay involves selecting rooms and persons to upgrade, repair or build. It's an unusual combination of simple endless strategy set in a wider universe drawn from the other Fallout games.

game like fallout shelter for pc

You accrue currency to build rooms, attract people and train them to provide resources, craft weapons and go on dangerous missions. Set in the Fallout wasteland after a nuclear war, you play as an Overseer of an underground bunker. Fallout Shelter is a time management simulation game.

Game like fallout shelter for pc